Command Terms


(Computer Science Guide 93-94)

It is important to know the definition of command terms and different level of assessment objectives. Command terms and assessment objectives indicate the degree of knowledge that we are required to understand. Since command terms will also be shown in IB exam, we need to understand these terms and follow the exam’s instructions in order to be aware of what answers that we are expected to write down in the exam. Then by doing so, we can get a better score.(Computer Science Guide 93-94)

There are some command terms which look similar but they instruct us to write down different answers. For example, “compare and contrast” and “contrast” are similar. However, if the question asks us to “compare and contrast” two items, we need to state the similarities and difference between these two stuffs. When we are asked to “contract” them, we should  write down the difference between the two items merely. If we write down too much irrelevant sentences or miss some factors, our score will be lowered.(Computer Science Guide 93-94)

I should read through the command terms sheet above more time in order to understand them and recall them in tests.

Work Cited

Computer Science Guide. 1st ed. Geneva: International Baccalaureate, 2016. Print.
