Application Software

Hi everyone. In this blog post we will take about what is application softwares, the three categories of their purposes, GUI and CLI, and concepts related to software management and release.

Application softwares allow users to perform non-computer tasks. They have three categories: general purpose,

General Purpose

General Purpose application softwares can be use for multiple purposes.


Eg1. Word Processor

A word processor is a program for storing, manipulating, and formatting text entered from a keyboard and providing a printout. It enables users to fulfill various purposes: write papers, make posters, annotate documents, assert graphs and pictures, etc.

Eg2. Spreadsheet

A spreadsheet enables calculation, storage of information, and automatically construct charts and graphs.

Eg3. Database Management Systems (DBMS)

Database Management Systems (DBMS) manages databases and serves multiple users. It creates, stores, updates, modifies information in the database, and extracts information from the database after user called. MySQL and Oracle are DBMS.

Specific purpose

Specific purpose application softwares are designed for one particular purpose. For example, a chess game application only allow users to play chess.

Eg1. Email Clients

Email clients enables users to sent, receive, and manage emails. Outlook is an example of email client.

Eg2. Web Browser

Web browsers retrieves, presents, and traverses information resources on the World Wide Web. Chrome, Safari, and FireFox are examples.

Eg3. Computer Aided Design (CAD)

CADs assist users in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. Automotive and architecture design are examples.

Eg4. Graphic Processing Software

Graphic processing softwares enable users to manipulate visual images on a computer.

Bespoke purpose

Bespoke purpose application software is customized for a specific user and purpose. For example, the processor applications of Audi's manufactures are customized for make Audi cars and automated invoicing system.

Common Features of Applications

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Menus that displays a list of commands
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Dialogue Boxes that communicate information and wait for users' response of choice.

GUI components (WIMP: windows, icons, menus, and pointers)


Graphic user interface (GUI)is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators.
Command-line interface (CLI) is a means that allow users to issue commands to a computer program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines).
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Managing Releases and Updates

Patches: update the application by fixing known bugs and vulnerabilities. For example, Windows's security update which is free and used to fixed potential flaws in the system to enhance security.

Upgrades: novel functionalities or characteristics and cumulative bug fixes (usually need to pay)

Updates: minor improvements and fixing known bugs (usually free)

Releases: final, working versions of software applications, new or upgraded applications (after alpha and beta testing)


Automatic updates: The system automatically checks for updates, download the update, and install the update.

- users: time saving and easy
- manufactures: no need to contact users

- users: miss updates if there is no Internet
- users: If updates bring a major change of system functions, users might not be informed about it.

Manual updates: The software manufacturer contacts every user about the new update and supplies the installation package to him to be installed.

- Users have more control what updates they want to install
- Users get to know if an update brings major changes to how the system works to make update decision
- Users might miss an update fixing security issues
- Users might not know how to install the update
- Users might harm system by wrongly installing update
- Users might lose medium containing the update
